Marketing Recon (through the efforts of Jacqueline Ganim-DeFalco) provided leadership on several key marketing initiatives. Assignments have included marketing support for major industry trade shows, product launch, and a Webinar. The projects have involved interaction with a large number of internal and external players and a fast turnaround of marketing materials. The Webinar achieved company record breaking registration and attendance results and the combined programs produced substantial qualified leads for the sales team.
As part of one key trade show, Jacqueline also led the effort to create an industry collaboration, the OnDemand Consortium which acted as a one time thought leadership undertaking. She created the program, recruited and organized a collaboration of twenty on-demand e-commerce vendors. The key to this program was to demonstrate that the industry story was bigger than the story of any one vendor and the collective efforts made the marketing dollars invested work harder. Many participating companies in have subsequently expressed interest in additional partnering opportunities.