Bobbi Gibb was the first woman to run and win the Boston Marathon in 1966 and repeated her wins in 1967, and 1968. In addition to her Marathon fame, Bobbi is also an accomplished artist. However, like many artists, she was not able to keep up with the dramatic changes in “arts marketing” needed to keep her work in the public eye and available commercially. Bobbi was often given media opportunities as a running champion and for her role in changing women’s athletic history, but never made her living as an athlete. She occasionally sold artwork, but did not have a regular way to engage in this As 2016 approached, I approached Bobbi to see if she would like to work on three important initiatives – (1) To properly celebrate her 50th Anniversary as a Marathon pioneer and (2) Fully leverage the opportunity to put her artwork in the forefront; and (3) To identify and initiate a project to mark the important place in history represented by her run. This would become the Bobbi Gibb Marathon Sculpture Project – the opportunity to have Bobbi sculpt the first life-size statue of a female runner on the Boston Marathon course.
Business Growth Challenge
There were many obstacles facing this engagement. Bobbi would be the first to admit that she is not naturally “commercial” and for the most part had not put fundamentals in place to commercialize her art nor be recognized as a working artist despite the fact that she had a studio full of her completed works. She had no online presence, no track record of exhibitions, and list of patrons or followers yet the web is full of references to her many talks, interviews, and article written about her running story. She had also self-published several books, but again, they had not been marketed.
Bobbi is not a self-promoter. In fact, she is humble relative to all she has accomplished. In this project, she also faced with another challenge, the legacy of misunderstanding created by another Marathon pioneer who made claim to Bobbi’s place in history. An underlying goal of our work together was to “right” the misguided perceptions of so many in the media and general public who had not heard Bobbi’s story and did not understand the facts behind Marathon history.
With regard to the Marathon Sculpture project, the challenge would be identifying a team of people and an organization to lead the way in promotion, project management, and ultimately fundraising. Logistical challenges followed as well, but some of those were outside the scope of the project. Most critically was timing as this project actually only launched just before the 2016 Marathon. Ideally, it would have been long underway before then so that a statue could be erected between 2016 and 2018.
Deliverables and Results
The Engagement:
With regard to the 2016 and 2017 Marathon’s my role was as Bobbi’s publicist. I worked with her side-by-side to fully maximize all the pre, during, and post Marathon “official” opportunities spending five days in Boston each year alongside Bobbi and the Elite Athletes invited by the Boston Athletic Association to be honored. We were also part of the BAA 10K in June 2016 and had a shared presence in Boston Common.
In advance of the official BAA press work, which happened just about a month leading up to the Marathon, we hatched our own plan. Beginning January 2016, our first step was the creation of Bobbi’s new art-focused website – – her Facebook Page, and Twitter account. I also put in place an email system and mail list to capture all the contacts that we made via the website and events. In 2016 between the Marathon and the website, we were involved in over 60 media interviews. Most were captured and added to the website. A majority happened outside the official Marathon framework as Bobbi had never been easily accessible to the general media before.
As part of the “re-launch” of Bobbi moved her books to a new format online so that they could be easily ordered on demand and added sections on the Marathon Sculpture Project with a photo of her Woman Running statue. The book also showcased a new photo of Bobbi running that I took during one of our media events.
Events & Team building:
We initiated some key events and also participated in as many events as possible to which Bobbi was invited. My role here shifted to Event Management and chauffeur! The “official” Marathon events included the State House indoctrination of Bobbi’s role as the first woman to run the Marathon. Bruce Tarr, our Senator from MA presided over her installation. Also included in 2016 and 2017, the Wreath Ceremony by the Greek Consul General, the Public Safety luncheon, and the speaking opportunities afforded at the official BAA Expo by Runner’s World and Amby Burfoot, its editor-at-large.
The goal of our own events was to raise awareness of the Sculpture Project, show and potentially sell artwork, sell books, and just create a “face to face” opportunity for the running public to meet Bobbi who is so engaging and down to earth. The younger generation in particular were very moved by her story. Her peers are her biggest fans as she opened up the path for them. During these events, we added volunteers to our team.
March 2016: Official launch party/fundraiser at Hopkinton Country Club: organized in collaboration with the 26.2 Foundation, our official partner and sponsor of the Bobbi Gibb Marathon Sculpture Project.
April 2016: Art Exhibition opens at Tracksmith pop up store on Boylston Street to remain open for the duration of the Marathon. This exhibition also had its own events including a post-Marathon run with Bobbi.
June 2016: Exhibited at the BAA 10K
August 2016: Movie Fundraiser at Cape Ann Cinema: Showing the movie in which Bobbi was featured officially as part of running history – Free to Run, a film on the history of the Boston Marathon.
September, 2016: A weekend long Cape Ann Celebration in collaboration with the Cape Ann Museum, the Sawyer Free Library, the Gloucester bookstore, and the Cape Ann YMCA around Cape Ann Road Race. The cornerstone of this weekend was the first time ever display of ALL of Bobbi’s artwork in one location – paintings, murals, and sculptures using the entire space of the historic White-Ellery House.
April 2017: Official Marathon events.
June 2017: New York City book expo – release of “The Girl Who Ran” – book signing and networking at conference.
June 2017: Book signing and exhibit at Charles Gallery.
Fall 2017: Facilitated a Boston Lean-In speaking engagement which Bobbi then handled on her own.
Deliverables & Milestones:
The work on behalf of Bobbi Gibb went beyond the day-to-day tactical achievements. Embracing Bobbi and her legacy meant a commitment to doing something that could make a difference for future generations while recognizing her ground-breaking thinking. Therefore in the process of creating events and generating a following, I opened up my personal and professional networks to the project and work to further expand Bobbi’s exposure and share this opportunity. I did not have any history in running or professional sports, but I used every possible angle to help raise the awareness for the project in sports groups, women’s organizations, and the art world contacts I have made through my work as an arts marketer/advocate on Cape Ann.
On a granular level, all of these pieces had to be put together to make our programs successful:
- Overall project management/assembled sculpture project team, meetings/event volunteers for various opportunities, etc..
- 2016 Celebration: Events and publicity as per above.
- Developed website and all content
- Created FB page, Twitter Channel and following now at 400+ Brought in a team member who focused on Instgram.
- List Development for friends, family, clients, donors, etc. 600+
- MailChimp Newsletters to keep community of followers up to date.
- Conducted Media Outreach & responded to all requests. Conducted over 60 Media Interviews via BAA and website. Art New England, Runners World, Tracksmith, and Women’s Running in depth articles and WGBH video among the key assets. All links are on website.
- Art Portfolio – created online gallery with professional photos
- Feature article in Art New England Magazine
- Art Work was a backdrop or included in all media interviews.
- Exhibits including: Tracksmith, Cape Ann Museum, and Charles Gallery introduction.
- Art Sales – via website and networking – sold five sculptures and created a lead list for the future.
- Cape Ann Celebration including Cape Ann Museum Exhibit with four events, partnered with YMCA, Library, Museum, etc..– first large solo show at White Ellery Hous/CAM
- Created Master (Shutterfly) Photo Book to archive all events
Bobbi Gibb Marathon Sculpture Projects:
- Working closely with Bobbi’s contacts, created collaboration with the 26.2 Foundation to officially launch the project.
- Ran project meetings and follow up with various parties.
- Identified funding opportunities. Tracked donors that came via Bobbi’s website.
Special Events: Found volunteers and supported all events listed for 2016 and 2017.
- Girl Who Ran NYC Book Launch/initiated NYC Marathon Meeting
- Cape Ann Launch of The Girl Who Ran
- Assisting where possible with Bobbi’s own books – selling and getting them signed for individuals who request them, finding a person to manage fulfillment when Bobbi was traveling.